Shooting at High Noon

Now if you have watched any of the old westerns you will know that the final shootout between the good guy and the bad guy often takes place at high noon when the sun is the highest in the sky. And just like these old westerns where high noon can be a challenging and difficult... Continue Reading →

Recreating Nature

Nature creates the world of beauty that we see around us. From lush, halcyonic meadows to dramatic, explosive lightning storms, nature provides a wonderous palette of visual delights. However, nature is also mercurial, unpredictable and uncontrollable, and often never seems to do what you want it to. And this is the double-edge sword of the... Continue Reading →

The Curse of the Phone Camera

In my previous post, I talked about how I put down my DSLR for a few years and what few photos I was actually taking were just taken using my mobile phone camera. Now you would think that if I was intent on taking good photos, why just use my mobile phone camera and not... Continue Reading →

A Fledgling Renaissance

About 5 and a half years ago I wrote a post entitled "Keeping the Interest Alive". Within it I discussed how my interest in photography had been waning slightly and I looked at some ways of trying to keep the interest in photography going. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to follow my own advice and maintain... Continue Reading →

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